We opt for organic based on our deepest personal convictions and attitudes, but also because the quality and flavours of organic produce are simply outstanding. To the public and our guests, we offer maximum possible transparency through our compliance with the relevant statutory and independent organic audits, whilst simultaneously obtaining the necessary government-approved certification for our quality standards. All our produce is sourced from audited organic farms where it is cultivated in strict compliance with the EU-ECO-regulation. Among other things, this prohibits the use of chemically-based phytoagents, fertilisers, genetic engineering; it also includes strict guidelines for animal husbandry. Government-approved supervisory authorities carry out audits at least once per year as well as additional unscheduled audits of all organically-certified companies, thus ensuring a seamless organic audit trail from the farm to the plate.
When it comes to selecting suppliers for our organic kitchen, we place great value on consistent organic principles and quality. That’s why we use food and products from Bioland, Demeter, and Naturland – so-called “association goods”. These associations adhere to far stricter criteria and guidelines for the production and processing of organic food and raw goods than are required under the EU organic standards. Beyond the statutory standards of the EU Eco-regulation, it is important to us to know our suppliers and producers personally and to maintain a respectful relationship with them. To the greatest extent possible, we source our products from our home region and maintain close relationships with the people who supply us with fine foods.
The German and EU organic label is a legally protected quality and test label used to identify organically farmed produce.
Individuals who use the term “organic” in relation to foodstuffs and in a gastronomic context are required by law to participate in a comprehensive and complex auditing process in compliance with the EU Eco-regulation. A so-called “organic board of control” appointed by the relevant state authorities carries out regular audits to ensure and enforce compliance with the statutory organic directives.
In our case, the responsible monitoring auditing authority is known as ABCERT. The ABCERT auditors carefully examine our organic kitchen and cuisine. Among other things, we have a legal obligation to provide them with access to all delivery notes, supplementary organic certifications from our suppliers, recipes, cost accounting documentation and invoices and to provide various certificates for inspection. All of our storage facilities and logistics processes are audited in detail, which enables end-to-end documentation of the entire flow of goods, from the source to processing in the restaurant kitchen to the plate set before our guests and identification of the dish as “organic” in the menu. Only after we’ve complied with all the statutory requirements do we receive our organic certification and are allowed to advertise our cuisine, restaurant, food and drinks as “organic” and to use the organic label.
You can find more information about the organic label on the information site: www.oekolandbau.de